Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama, Porn and Communism?

What could be better? Well, better define that communism first. The porn part is easy, we'll get to that.

Listen up children, Uncle Eamon likes:

"...Anarchist communism advocates the abolition of the state, private property and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production,[1][2] Direct democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations, workers' councils and/or a Gift economy through which everyone will be free to satisfy their needs.

Anarchist communism is also known as anarcho-communism, communist anarchism, or sometimes, libertarian communism. However, while all anarchist communists are libertarian communists, some libertarian communists, such as council communists, are not anarchists. What distinguishes anarchist communism from other variants of libertarian communism is the former's opposition to all forms of political power, hierarchy and domination..."

So what does Obama have to do with communism, anarchist, totalitarianist, authoritarian, or otherwise?

In his autobiography:

"...Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just 'Frank'

...'a poet named Frank,' who visited them in Hawaii, read poetry, and was full of 'hard-earned knowledge' and advice. Who was Frank? Obama only says that he had 'some modest notoriety once,' was 'a contemporary of Richard Wright and Langston Hughes during his years in Chicago...' but was now 'pushing eighty.' He writes about 'Frank and his old Black Power dashiki self' giving him advice before he left for Occidental College in 1979 at the age of 18..."

The link above is to AIM and does have a decidedly conservative slant, but the analysis of his autobiography and the ID of 'Frank' as Frank Marshall Davis is quite clear and logical.

Davis (above link):

"...was an American journalist, poet and political and labor movement activist. In 1950 he was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee for his links with the Communist Party USA in the United States.[1]..."

So were a lot of folks. The official line is it was a witch hunt, McCarthyites are convinced, the truth may be somewhere in between. Regardless, any communists in the 50s were likely pro-Soviet, State loving, power worshipping liberals who wanted to dictate to people like the moderate sociopaths and the conservative ones do. All power corrupts. Only solution is to have no to power to corrupt.

The Associated Press notes that:

"...Davis was 'an important influence' on Obama but doesn’t mention Davis’s communist views and how he took the Stalinist line before, during, and after World War II..."

How about after hearing of Stalin's Ukrainian Famine? Communist, Capitalist, doesn't matter. All power corrupts unless kept honest in person with intelligence and critical thinking. Ahem.

Now, whether or not he is using mind control (which is really just established sales techniques, neuro-linguistic programming, basically Erickson's hypnosis therapy and psycho-babble) this version of communism is decidedly liberal and authoritarian. These are the kind of folks who think they know better than others and will happily use the government to tell you what to do, for your own good. The Nanny State. It's the same ruling class just selling you a liberal story instead of a conservative one.

Now porn? Nothing wrong with porn. Frank Marshal Davis wrote the extremely kinky Sex Rebel: Black under a pseudonym. 

Authoritarian communism combined with racism and religious fundamentalism? Lots of things wrong that. Ask the Ukraine.

...and that's just creepy.

Hey kids, do it for yourself, "be the next" whatever for yourself, for your family, for your neighborhood, not for some stupid aristocrat. Race, like elephants and donkeys, is just more nonsense to get us to hate each other and not the ruling class. Please don't become cannon fodder killing machines for where your Obama tells you to go fight and die.

More Anarchic Reconstructionism

In Secessionists to Sarah: "Baby Come Back!" I waxed a bit poetic about what the true nature of democracy is:

"...removal of all but the absolute minimum of governments everywhere, and the submission of all State and Federal governments to the smallest, most local neighborhood democratic committees possible. Limited government will then come from the grassroots up, with the local, involved citizenry everywhere having the loudest possible voice, amplified through the authority of local, controllable by the individual, neighborhood town meetings. Free association is key, so folks may have to be permitted to move. With the power in the people, money should be supplied directly to them in order to allow for moving, establishment of the previously mentioned neighborhood committees, etc. A single week of Wall Street and banking class crime, facilitated by the Federal government, aka, $1.3 trillion, should be more than enough..."

Informed, happy, educated people with their physical needs met make democracy work. Ignorant, miserable, stupid people who fear for their daily bread make tyranny work. (Strangely enough, fear for bread often forces those in group 2 to become those in group 1) True democracy only works on a small scale, with free association to neighborhoods, small communities and unions. People have to be able to control directly the representatives, and they must have all the power, so then final authority for one's own locality and workplace must be in the hands of the representatives they dictate to in person at meetings and so on.

Any separation between the people and any representatives is tyranny and non-representation.

This true democratic, anarchic reconstruct is impossible to police properly with widespread ignorance and poor education among the people. The tyranny of ignorant and uneducated masses dictating to their fellow man on a small, in person scale would not be any better than the current system, which has ignorant and uneducated masses endorsing tyrants to dictate to them and their fellow man, tyrants who answer only to corporate and banking oligarchs. Voting in such a system is truly a disgusting and immoral sociopathic behavior which education and personal responsibility can solve.

Education combined with personal responsibility leads to responsibility to humankind in general.

Schools which dictate to children to regurgitate half-true facts instead of learning how to critically think to find higher truth combine with alpha-wave inducing television to create unthinking zombies.

Personal responsibility should lead moral and thinking humans to stop that cycle and educate themselves.

Encouragement of personal irresponsibility leads to disrespect for one's self as well as humankind in general.

Tyranny starts with the individual.

Stop tyrannizing yourself, me and everyone else with your ignorance and irresponsibility.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Young Ned of the Hill

"Ned of the Hill" aka Eamon an Chnoic.

Well done sir:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Secessionists to Sarah: "Baby Come Back"

'Oh Sarah, won't you come back to us? We dream of you night at day. You're really laying low, then McCain will kick the bucket and you'll allow the States to secede, right?'

'Don't you remember all the wonderful times we had together? When your hubby was a member of our Alaskan Independence Party? You even spoke to us once, we remember it like it was yesterday."

'Remember what our founder said? Why are you ashamed of us? It's not like we're some loony preacher from Chi-Town. We're good, all-American Libertarian types, you know, like the dudes in the wigs that used to have rebellions when governments got too tyrannical.'

"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government,"

"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

"And I won't be buried under their damn flag,"

"And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your honor, your life to Alaska."

'Oh Sarah! The pain is too much! Please, please tell us you're really a secessionist in disguise still! You'll save us all, won't you? Bring the whole sordid Federal mess down and leave us States be? Won't you? We'll do anything, anything. We love you Sarah, just give us a sign!'

'Oh, of course, sure, on the 'down low' and all that, we gotcha.'

'Love always,'

'American Secessionists'

(Afterthoughts: Just to clarify, Eamon is no fan of State governments versus Federal and is a true anarchic reconstructionist, mainly espousing the removal of all but the absolute minimum of governments everywhere, and the submission of all State and Federal governments to the smallest, most local neighborhood democratic committees possible. Limited government will then come from the grassroots up, with the local, involved citizenry everywhere having the loudest possible voice, amplified through the authority of local, controllable by the individual, neighborhood town meetings. Free association is key, so folks may have to be permitted to move. With the power in the people, money should be supplied directly to them in order to allow for moving, establishment of the previously mentioned neighborhood committees, etc. A single week of Wall Street and banking class crime, facilitated by the Federal government, aka, $1.3 trillion, should be more than enough.)

(He also finds Sarah Palin vaguely attractive for some bizarre reason, most likely TV-created programming beamed directly into most American males' brains. Either that, or it's the dreams of her dragging a freshly self-hunted caribou home in a bikini, and then cooking up some caribou steaks on the grill in the aforementioned swim-wear. Conservative family values combined with libertarian and egalitarian feminism makes Eamon randy as hell. Well, that and former beauty pageant lasses in librarian glasses. Hubba hubba.)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

$1.3 TRILLION Ruling Class Heist

As well you all have heard by now, the ruling class tanked the market this week in a major hissy fit after their own two-party state-worship machine broke down briefly on them. (Strangely enough, the market dropped 777 points in one day, which as any ruling class occultist knows: "...refers to a lightning flash descending the diagrammatic worlds, the sum of the values of the corresponding Hebrew letters equalling 777. It consists of roughly 191 columns, with each row corresponding to a specific Sephirah or path on the Tree of Life for a total of 35 rows and is used for a quick reference for corresponding mnemonics and factors of religion for use in magick...")

However, there was little fear among them as their own financial organs quickly released a tidal wave of pre-planned liquidity to stem the tide: "Sept. 29 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve will pump an additional $630 billion into the global financial system, flooding banks with cash to alleviate the worst banking crisis since the Great Depression..."

Then, on Friday: "October 4, 2008, WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives approved the $700-billion Wall Street bailout Friday, setting in motion the biggest government intervention in the financial system since the Great Depression.

President Bush quickly signed the bill, and Treasury Department officials vowed to move swiftly to use sweeping new powers to try to stabilize financial markets and ease deepening fears about the economy..."

Let me break that down for you:

    $630 billion
+ $700 billion
    $1.3 trillion

In other words:

The ruling class' latest financial bubble in their brain-dead Chicago, Fascist, Communist, Capitalist, Authoritarian, Corporate economic school of central banking required them to steal $1.3 trillion dollars from We The People of these Independent and Free States to cover their asses.

In other news, the Satanic (shout out to LightningRod and the Liberty Forum Tribe, represent) feminazi Child Support State continues to impoverish and separate fathers and children while the ruling class that enslaves the same feminazis that support it laugh hysterically and pocket free hand-outs. Our nation's own children aren't good enough for free support direct from the State, no strings attached, but Wall Street is? Fecking eejits. Then we'll all wonder why there are so many poor, fatherless children running around sociopathically:

"Sociopathy is chiefly characterized by something wrong with the person's conscience. They either don't have one, it's full of holes like Swiss cheese, or they are somehow able to completely neutralize or negate any sense of conscience or future time perspective. Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires - selfishness and egocentricity to the extreme. Everything and everybody else is mentally twisted around in their minds as objects to be used in fulfilling their own needs and desires. They often believe they are doing something good for society, or at least nothing that bad. The term 'sociopath" is frequently used by psychologists and sociologists alike in referring to persons whose unsocialized character is due primarily to parental failures (usually fatherlessness) rather than an inherent feature of temperament."

Nothing personal of course. Ahem.

Finally, I'm sure there's plenty of games in the arena today for you to gaze moronically at while drinking large quantities of brain killing alcohol, so pay all of this no mind and continue to snuggle into your TV's warm glow. Everything will be fine. Nothing to see here. Fecking sheeple.

(...LF tribe, LightningRod...)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Wind That Shakes The Barley

Any Irish-American that watches this film and can still support what America is currently doing to Iraq and Afghanistan, and has done in its' past to Vietnam, The Philippines, Guatemala, Nicaragua, etc. needs to contact their doctor immediately and have their head removed from their ass.

Our people were one of the first victims of modern Imperialism. Learn your history. Stop the evil that is Empire.
